Thoughts on the Ego, Discontent and Ambivalence

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When the ego through the means of guilt steers you into repeatedly doing something that you do not really want to do, in order to relieve the guilt for example, it often creates resentment. In summary, the ego and its perception (often miss-perception) creates the issue and offers one a solution, only to either repeat a similar situation or manufacture a new one. By similar egoic processes, even the good things in life must eventually, in the least, turn to a state of some sort of ambivalence. Things such as love, hope, and joy must either end, become boring, turn fearful, or turn bittersweet with problems.

The ego’s favorite pastime is to analyze, rationalize, judge, attack or criticize things, people, ideas, and circumstances. So even if things are good, all good things must eventually become bad or not quite so good at the best. Peace and harmony, in general, cannot continue for too very long before someone’s ego needs to start a conflict or at least make some sort of negative judgment.

The affected egos are often quick to enter the new state of turmoil, worry, discontentment, or conflict and deny any responsibility for their newfound fear, anger, or discontent. Why? Because it fulfills the ego’s primary goal which is to focus on itself and its perceptions. It accomplishes this by either elevating itself against the differences in others or aligning itself with the similarities in other, all within its imaginary magical kingdom where it rules relatively supreme. The ego distracts its host into thinking all of life is the ego’s little kingdom, be it good or bad, peace or conflict, contentment or despondency.

On and on the egoic processes continue with most everything in life, using smoke and mirrors promising some sort of pleasure, relief, justification, purpose, or satisfaction, but giving nothing at all. The most it will offer is a short-term fix at best.

The Ego can primarily only offer distractions and perpetuates its expansion and existence primarily at the expense of the host and secondarily at the expense of others. It cares for itself, more than its host. It will even use the wildest or rationalizations to support its position. In essence, the ego offers nothing of much or of lasting value. Yet why do we submit to it and obey its impulses so?

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